Past Events
Chamber 60th Anniversary Celebrations
On Thursday 8th August, Rustington Chamber of Trade and Commerce celebrated its 60th year of existence.
Members, past and present, Committee Members and Chairmen came together with current Members to reminisce and applaud the unceasing hard work and effort made to ensure that Rustington is such a special, vibrant and ‘stand out’ Village.
Photographs, in the main supplied by Sue Sula, were on display of the old high street and shops from past to present day.
A cake was supplied by Natalie Tilley, along with the statutory Pavlovas by Alison Cooper.
The event was held at the Samuel Wickens Centre, aptly named after the visionary Property Developer who gave Rustington its layout and parking that has undoubtedly made a huge difference.
Andy and Alison Cooper of Clipper Street Barbers, announced their idea to start Rustington’s own Annual Business Award and their donation of a swanky new trophy was greeted by Store Property Investments enthusiastically, and who then, most generously, offered an annual prize of £1,000.00 for the winner.
It is hoped that this Award will boost the membership of the Chamber who’s main focus is to promote the profile of Rustington and to raise funds to contribute towards the Christmas Lighting Scheme.
Watch this space and social media for the details of entry and voting for this amazing Award.
Rustington Breakfast networking
Our Breakfast Club takes place on the first Wednesday of each month at Fig Cafe (was Cafe Oasis), Churchill Court, Rustington. Starting at 7:30am and finishing by 8:45am.